
Friday, February 24, 2012

network Representetion

When conveying complex information such as the network connectivity and operation of a large internetwork, it is helpful to use visual representations and graphics. Like any other language, the language of networking uses a common set of symbols to represent the different end devices, network devices and media. The ability to recognize the logical representations of the physical networking components is critical to being able to visualize the organization and operation of a network. Throughout this course and labs, you will learn both how these devices operate and how to perform basic configuration tasks on these devices.

Network Interface Card - A NIC:   or simply LAN adapter, increases the bricks-and-mortar link with any networking within the DESKTOP or simply many other hold equipment. Any newspaper and tv devices any DESKTOP into the marketing web equipment connects right into any NIC.

Physical Port - :The connection or even electric outlet on the social networking gadget in which the press is actually attached to a number or even additional social networking gadget.
interface:Specific plug-ins with an internetworking gadget which connect with person systems. Simply because routers are utilized in order to interconnect systems, the actual plug-ins on the router tend to be known system interfaces.

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